Ear, Nose Throat
Conditions of the ear
If you have an ear disorder or condition, such as a hearing impairment, ear infections, disorders that affect balance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or pain in your ear. ENT's can treat congenital disorders of the ear (disorders you may have been born with).
Conditions of the nose
If you have problems with the nose, nasal cavity or sinuses. These problems can be affecting your sense of smell, your breathing, or you physical appearance.Conditions of the throatIf you suffer from disorders or conditions that affect the throat. ENT's can diagnose, manage and treat problems that affect your speech, singing, eating, or swallowing.
Conditions of the head/neck ENT related
If you suffer from diseases, tumors, trauma, and deformities of the head, neck or face.
Our Providers
Arun Gupta, DO
Kevin Prater, MPAS, PA-C
Contact Us
Specialty Clinic
First Floor Medical Arts Plaza
1700 W. Townline St
Creston, IA 50801
(641) 782-3887
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.